The Rice Purity Test, an intriguing survey comprising 100 questions, offers participants a glimpse into their perceived level of "purity" across various aspects of adult life, including romance, alcohol, and interactions with authority figures. Originating at Rice University in 1924, it was initially devised as a means for new students to gauge their maturity levels and bond with their peers. Over time, it has been adopted by other institutions, spawning variations like the Berkeley Purity Test and the UCLA Purity Test.

Taking The Rice Purity Test

To embark on the Rice Purity Test journey, one can visit the designated website and click on the "Start Test" button. The test presents a series of 100 questions, each requiring a simple "yes" or "no" response. After answering all questions, participants click "Calculate My Score" to obtain their purity score.
Scoring and Interpretation

Scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a higher perceived level of purity and lower scores suggesting a wider range of experiences. Here's a breakdown of score ranges and their interpretations:

Scores 100-98: Exceptionally Pure

Individuals in this range are deemed exceptionally pure and likely have minimal social and romantic experiences. It's uncommon to encounter scores in this range.
Scores 97-94: Very Pure

Participants scoring in this range are considered quite pure, with limited romantic experiences, such as holding hands or experiencing a first kiss.

Scores 93-77: Moderate to High Purity

Falling within this range suggests typical college experiences, including relationships and romantic dates, while still maintaining a degree of innocence.

Scores 76-45: Moderate to Low Purity

Participants with scores in this range have likely engaged in a variety of experiences, including alcohol consumption and sexual encounters, while remaining within legal boundaries.

Scores 44-9: Low Purity

Individuals scoring in this range have ventured into more adventurous territory, potentially experimenting with drugs and engaging in risky behavior.
Scores 8-0: Very Low Purity
Extremely rare, these scores indicate a high level of involvement in various taboo activities, potentially leading to near-death events or encounters with law enforcement.
Understanding the Meaning

The purity score serves as a reflection of one's experiences and attitudes towards various aspects of life. However, it's essential to approach the test with a sense of humor and understanding that it's not a definitive measure of character or morality.

Additional Insights

The test may include questions referring to "MPS," which stands for "Member of Preferred Sex." Participants are expected to answer such questions in the context of their partner's gender identity.


The Rice Purity Test is safe to take, provided participants answer honestly. It's crucial to recognize that the test is not a checklist to be completed but rather a lighthearted exploration of personal experiences.

In essence, the Rice Purity Test offers individuals an entertaining and introspective journey into their perceived level of "purity," reminding us to approach life with a sense of curiosity and self-awareness.

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